Well Done Champion!

Dear Friend, You made it! You’re here at the end of another year, triumphant in someways, possibly a little battered and bruised by some recent events. You’ve done some big things this year, hard things and brave things. You’ve made some good decisions that you didn’t have time to reflect on at the time, or…

A different perspective on Celebrating…

…when you’re dealing with disappointment when everyone else is celebrating. Sometimes the year finishes all too soon, with goals incomplete, and disappointments scattered around you like the gift-wrapping after Christmas lunch. If you’re familiar with my writing or speaking, you know I’m passionate about celebrating.  Reflecting on accomplishments and celebrating learning is incredibly valuable. It’s…

It's time to celebrate!

You might think that I’m getting in early for Christmas, or my birthday – which is now less than two weeks away, but no!  Anytime is actually great for celebrating, and it’s something I do with coaching clients on a regular basis. The kind of celebrating is one you can do alone or with friends,…

Celebrating our Biz

Launch parties are fun!  Okay, any kind of party I’m involved in usually is, if I may say so myself… :-) Friends, clients and local members of Create the Life Club gathered at Stephens Patisserie last night for 90 minutes of networking, eating and drinking (of course) and hearing from a few people who are…