More Gems from Bede Tongs
Last night I had the honour of speaking to West Dubbo Rotary, a room full of Difference-Makers. Some had been to Kokoda, some had “done the track” or lived there, and they really appreciated hearing our Kokoda story.
If you’ve seen my previous blogs and photos you’ll recognise Bede Tongs MM and know he shares some gems. In this video, Bede shares that he was going back to Savaia, the village that he’d been to 70 years earlier (exactly, to the day) and he was going in this time, not with weapons, but with gifts and educational supplies for the villagers.
Bede Tongs – Honorary Chief of Savaia, PNG
Not only did Bede and his son Garry receive a warm, Papuan welcome to Savaia, Bede was declared honorary Chief of the village. Garry just sent me these pics and I couldn’t choose which one to post – they’re both priceless “must-shares”.
I also read to the Rotarians part of a letter that Bede Tongs sent me recently. There are gems to learn from, to be reminded of and endeavour to express in everyday life and leadership. I really appreciate that Bede sends me his thoughts on leadership and is happy for me to share.

Bede Tongs on Leadership 15.12.12
More Gems from Kokoda
If you’ve missed the previous Kokoda blogs and would like to catch up a bit, I’ve added the link here. Another chat with Bede is especially worth watching – Bede Tongs On Leadership
As you may know, I’m currently acknowledging leadership and attitudes of Young Achievers. Their stories are different to Bede’s, but many of Bede’s rules for survival are relevant for survival in business, not just in jungle warfare. Vastly different challenges – similar attitudes toward success. I shared briefly about the Young Achievers Giveaway last night and have more amazing nominations coming in.
Enjoy! Please post any questions or comments below and I’ll pop back and reply as soon as I can. If you’d like me to speak to your team or organisation please contact me.
Cheering you on,