Introducing Nicola Davis
A note from Kerrie Phipps – I connected with Nicola and her fabulous difference-making world through social media and her passion jumped off the page. Nicola has made some brave decisions and I’m delighted that she’s shared some insights with us here. Enjoy!

Nicola Davis
Nicola Davis juggles family, her business, cycling and being a local Councillor on a daily basis. This UK born 33 year old has lived in South Africa and in England and now calls Australia home. She studied in England specializing in Conservation.
Nicola and her husband Paul moved to Australia in 2005 because of the healthier outdoor lifestyle and numerous opportunities on offer. They started their bicycle and café business in 2009, and have two young girls. In 2012 Nicola was chosen by Cycling Victoria to receive training to encourage more women cycling. In that same year Nicola ran for local Council as she saw a need for fair representation of young families and small businesses in the region.
What makes your business story unique?
Our bike & coffee shop is unique in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne. The driver for opening up a bike shop, was my husbands passion with cycling, and the fact we could live close to work. I had been spending ninety minutes commuting to work.
What do you love about business and life in Whittlesea?

Nicola and Paul Davis
Living and working in the same community is great, we can make good partnerships with other local family businesses. We are able to learn from and support one another. I easily integrate my social interactions with the community to try and assist them as a Councillor and a local mum. Being a Councillor I can advocate for better bike lanes and connections for active sustainable transport too.
How did you move from dreamer to achiever?
It takes guts to take a leap of faith that your dreams can come true. With lots of hard work and determination, ideas can come alive. My turning point was two years ago after the birth of my second child, where it was either pick myself up, skill up and grab every opportunity for our business, or just give up and be a depressed housewife.
What does success mean to you personally?
Success for myself is not particularly money. I mean money does help, but it’s the sense of helping a community, and in our little way we are helping people to choose a healthier alternative transport. We are getting dads and mums riding with their families, taking time out and enjoying the environment. Our goal is to make sure the customer is comfortable so they will want to ride time and time again.

Labour Treasurer Wayne Swan,Nicola Davis, Rob Mitchell Lab Fed MP, Mayor of Whittlesea Rex Griffin
How does your business contribute to your community?
We are very community focused. We run female specific rides and workshops to encourage women to break down the barriers of cycling. We assist through donations and teaching lessons with the local youth and adult immigrant programme. We sponsor local cyclists, male, female, young and old. And we donate prizes to the local primary school ‘Ride to School’ event.
What inspired you to run for Local Council?
Mid last year, I saw a few newspaper ads encouraging younger women to consider running for local government elections, and I just came under the thirty-five year old bracket. Funnily enough that same week I had a maternal health nurse appointment for my youngest, and spoke to the nurse about possibly running and what ‘things’ did he want to see changed. Wow I had opened the flood gates! The nurse just spouted out a lot of facts about family violence, drug and alcohol abuse all due to isolation and mortgage stress of our young families. So I said to myself ‘someone needs to stand up for these families and issues, and I guess I’m it!’. Not everyone has to be so radical though and make life changing decisions like this, I encourage others that if they see an challenge or opportunity, to form a group of like minded people to understand and tackle the issue using their collective resources. The voice of many is more powerful than one!
Contact Details
Name: Nicola Davis
Role: Business Partner
Business: Bike n Bean
Address Shop 5, 797 Plenty Rd,
South Morang, Victoria
Phone 03 9437 8501