100 Days of Gratitude – Day 98

What am I grateful for today?  The air I breathe – it’s clearer than it has been, and it doesn’t hurt to be grateful for that everyday.  Waking up breathing is something we easily take for granted. I’m also very grateful to know that my book is in the process of being set up for…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 97

Gosh it’s great to get out and do something different!  I’m grateful for a different kind of day today, firstly I spent hours at the hairdressers, which gave me plenty of time to think about the next book I’m writing for – yep, another one!  The second thing I spent a few hours on was…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 96

My Gratitude today is for a number of things – (why did I think I could do ONE per day) – firstly the great call I just ran for Create the Life Club members.  We discussed effective thinking and creating supportive habits, which was an inspiring and useful conversation. I love setting up a safe…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 87

I’m grateful for two key people today – firstly my mum, who called early this morning as Dad was bringing sheep down to Dubbo.  She offered to help in any way, and wanted to read some of my book.  I was editing all day, technically just adding quotes, but we kept finding typo’s that have…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 66

So grateful for a fabulous day with amazing difference-makers at the International Coach Federation Conference in Adelaide.  I had the great honour and privilege of leading a 3/4 day stream on creating a viable and inspiring coaching business.  The participants connected well with each other and found the whole event really useful and inspiring, which…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 53

I’m grateful for a very special person who I spent time with tonight at a Women in Business Function.  Georgia Lush was my first Personal Coach and my first Coach Trainer.  As you can imagine, she’s had a significant impact in my life.  This photo was taken last time we were in the same room…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 41

Another full day with many moments to celebrate… where to start and how to keep it brief? Several months ago, before the book project had a timeline, I was booked for a team coaching event by a local government department.  Today, the day of my first deadline with the publisher, was the date booked. (Just…

Learning and having fun!

This past week has been amazing.  Ok, the whole year has really… I am learning so much all the time, coaching brilliant, resilient, inspiring people and having a ball. I’m doing more travel than I’d like to be, but it’s only for a season. In May, for example, I’m only traveling out of town once…

Learning and Development (Part 2)

Learning and Development continued to be the theme of March… no surprise as it’s a massive part of my life, and the second half of the month it got really personal. There’s nothing like a challenging situation to generate self awareness, to see where you’re at and what you’re made of. “Adversity introduces a man…