Learning and Development continued to be the theme of March… no surprise as it’s a massive part of my life, and the second half of the month it got really personal. There’s nothing like a challenging situation to generate self awareness, to see where you’re at and what you’re made of. “Adversity introduces a man to himself” (Unknown)
I’ve been reading Think & Grow Rich – finding some absolute gems there. Lyndon’s just downloaded the audio book version, so I’m looking forward to hearing the book as I walk. I’m also reading Secret’s of Internet Entrepreneurs Exposed which has the brain firing with lots of new ideas & inspiration… watch this space!
March concluded with a hen’s party, catch ups with friends and Ethan’s school Fete. He was so proud of his Dad, his Grandad, (my Dad) and my brother “Uncle Greg” parachute into the school. I accompanied him on “The Octopus” and managed to retain my lunch… although Ethan was concerned he’d lose his. On to the Dodgem cars for a more relaxed afternoon.
Another something worthy of mention was that I was asked to assist Ruth Donde, Results Coaching System’s NZ Regional Manager, on Build Your Practice, an 8 week business building course for Coaches. This is a fabulous course, integral to my development as a Coach, who initially hadn’t a clue about business, just a passion for coaching and making a difference in people’s lives. This is the third time I’ve assisted on this course, so the fourth time I’ve been through it. I love working with new coaches to find their feet in the business world, grow confident in marketing their practice and continue in their own learning and development.