My gratitude today is for the feedback I’ve been getting about this 100 Days of Gratitude blog. It was just an idea that emerged with a facebook friend who I met for coffee in a nearby town, and I jumped at the idea, thinking it would be a useful exercise for me to actually commit to blogging each day! I journal most days, and write about what I’m grateful for, but there’s nothing like making yourself accountable to others by sharing it publicly. I also thought it would be useful to develop my computer and internet skills, which needed a little work.
As a result of simply sharing one or two things (it’s hard to stick with one thing…) I’m grateful for, others have been impacted.
The email that made my day this morning was from a friend who has been keeping up with my gratitude each day, and recording and sharing her own. She wrote this morning about a client of hers that she shared the concept with, and her client has now taken it to her classroom of young children, in a creative way. In my friends email she wrote “and it was all brought to mind by being involved with your 100 days of gratitude. I’m guessing the impact will be HUGE. so I again wanted to thank you for the 100 Days of Gratitude, it’s catching :-)
I then received a beautiful note tonight from a friend in the UK who wrote “hey kerrie! happy friday.. i am just so grateful for your gratitude.. it is making me think more positively about my days… you are truly an inspiration…”
So I’m grateful for the feedback, as it’s teaching me that building a little habit can have an amazing ripple effect. Thank you for sharing the journey.
Cheering you on,
Love Kerrie