Common theme this week – “A positive outlook is essential for survival” – a comment by Bede Tongs in a letter he sent me. He led his men on the Kokoda trail and in other areas during WW2 and as I’ve already written, it was an immense privilege to get to know Bede and his son Garry as we spent a week together in Kokoda.
It’s a thought I’ve shared on telecalls over the past 10 days, and at the RSL Sub Branch meeting last Friday. “A positive outlook is essential for survival.” It kept many alive during the war, but it’s still oh-so relevant today. A positive outlook is essential for survival, in business, in relationships, in any worthwhile endeavour.
In this video we also discuss leadership, which as Bede says is “by example”. How do you demonstrate a positive outlook, a clear direction, a way of doing things “properly”?
Bede mentions that his forward scouts were volunteers each time. This is very significant and I’ll be unpacking this more in workshops and coaching conversations. Just consider the difference in mindset of a young man who volunteers, or one who is sent out as a punishment…
I hope you enjoy meeting Bede and pondering the depth of his words. They’re weighty with experience.
Cheering you on,