100 Days of Gratitude – Day 37

I’m grateful for the opportunity to read this book!  In The Middle Of Nowhere is a fascinating read, both educational and inspirational. I bought it after hearing about it from my cousin, who attends college with the Author’s nephew. Terry Underwood shares generously about her life, her loves and her learning as she adapted to…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 34

My love, my dearest friend… I am so grateful for Lyndon, my dear husband of 15 years.  I wrote the acknowledgments page for my new book last night and could hardly see the page through my tears of gratitude.  Today was a challenging day, with a few disappointments and sad things happen.  Lyndon was so…

International Happiness Day

International Happiness Day is today, World Gratitude Day is coming soon… we celebrate Mothers Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, the list goes on… it’s great that we have these reminders to focus on various themes and appreciate certain people, but we can choose our focus everyday.   What does International Happiness Day mean for you?…

Learning and having fun!

This past week has been amazing.  Ok, the whole year has really… I am learning so much all the time, coaching brilliant, resilient, inspiring people and having a ball. I’m doing more travel than I’d like to be, but it’s only for a season. In May, for example, I’m only traveling out of town once…

Amazing learning… and other news

Training weekend with internet guru’s Dale Beaumont & Shaun Stenning… Absolutely mind-blowing… my head is spinning, with technical stuff I can’t get my head around, but more importantly – a sense of the unlimited possibilities.   I’m getting a glimpse of how phenomenal the internet is.  Sorry, I’m speechless here… a little tired from traveling, a…

Busy, exciting days…

Yesterday, 1st April was a full and exciting day, beginning with Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, where I met Damien Lynch & Deborah Barit, who are writing a book and surveyed attendees at the breakfast. They asked for me for an interview later in the day, which of course I made space in the diary for!…

Learning and Development (Part 2)

Learning and Development continued to be the theme of March… no surprise as it’s a massive part of my life, and the second half of the month it got really personal. There’s nothing like a challenging situation to generate self awareness, to see where you’re at and what you’re made of. “Adversity introduces a man…

Learning and Development

Learning and Development has definitely been the theme for me this month! I usually feel like I’m on a learning curve, and absolutely love it, but sometimes it’s much steeper than other times. We started the month with a Think & Grow Rich Seminar in Sydney which was fantastic; a confirmation of the path we’re…