Training weekend with internet guru’s Dale Beaumont & Shaun Stenning… Absolutely mind-blowing… my head is spinning, with technical stuff I can’t get my head around, but more importantly – a sense of the unlimited possibilities. I’m getting a glimpse of how phenomenal the internet is. Sorry, I’m speechless here… a little tired from traveling, a little (okay, a lot) excited about what we’re doing here. I can’t wait to share the excitement with you!!! Our website will be going live as soon as we’ve done all the admin involved and had the site built – early June is most likely.
I’ve recently been noticing how people judge others by their own perceptions and world view. For example, a generous person will easily recognize and value generosity, because they speak the same language. One who is more self-focused and small thinking will misconstrue a generous act, seeing it with suspicion, questioning “what’s in it for them… what’s she/he after”. I’m sure you could identify people you know who obviously have an abundance mentality – “there’s plenty for everyone”, or a scarcity mentality –“I have to get in and get mine before the greedy people do”.
As always, there’s much learning… I am so thankful for the generous people in my world and the wonderful friendships I develop with like-minded people. I’ve also been learning that I can assume the best in people and rush in with enthusiasm, then be disappointed when things don’t work out. I’m paying more attention to my intuition now, and being careful to align myself with those who share similar core values and beliefs.
One of the great discoveries over the past month is my friendship with Karen Saunders. We will be working closely together on a number of projects and complement each others businesses and skill-sets beautifully. You’ll read more about Karen in future blogs. She’s amazing and I’m so excited about her possibilities and our possibilities. Gosh life is wonderful.
What is wonderful in your life, and what are your possibilities? Go looking and find that they’re as endless as they are exciting.