Traveling at 900 km/h over vast seas containing tiny islands, I continued reflecting on the value of connecting with different people. I mean really different people. Completely different. Foreign. People with opposite views and experiences.
Dismissing people with an assumption “I have nothing in common with these people” is dangerous. Your learning is stunted, your options limited. I could list more reasons why it’s dangerous, but I love to consider the impact of connecting and collaborating instead.
I stood in the back section of the plane to Manila, in conversation with a well-travelled young woman from New Zealand/UK, then we were joined by an Aussie investor who spends many months of the year in the Philippines, and then a beautiful travel-agent/young mum who had great tips for seeing the Philippines. All shared really interesting insights and experiences about travel, business, recruitment, family life and relationships, and the connections made will open doors of opportunity for many people.

Investors event in Manila
As I returned to my seat, pondering the amazing conversations of the last hour or so, I realised that I hadn’t gone looking to meet people, but I was open to it. The key thing was, I left my seat. The other people I spoke to had left their seat. So many people didn’t leave their seat at all, or just went straight to the bathroom and back to their seat without connecting with anyone. As it is in life. Do you leave your seat? Do you get out of your comfort zone, your local community and group of friends? If you get out and about, willing to meet people and see new places, your creativity increases, your enthusiasm grows and you learn and contribute in the most rewarding ways.
As I was packing my suitcase at home a few nights ago, I watched the first part of this TEDx Talk – Can Speaking To Strangers Boost Your Creativity? Check it out for more insights about this. It’s so important! We can solve more problems and make a bigger difference in the world by talking to strangers.
Where can you go this week? Maybe it’s a different place in your local area, such as a cafe you’ve never been to, or maybe you’ll take a different route to work, or maybe you’ll jump on a plane…
Be open to conversation! Be curious and ask questions. Listen.
Let us know how it goes!
Share the conversation with us on social media using the hastag #DoTalkToStrangers and if you’re on facebook, please join the group DO Talk To Strangers and share your photos and stories to inspire others.
If you want resources to support your learning, add your email to the box on the right or at the top of the home page that says “Claim Your Gifts” and you’ll recieve immediately (upon confirmation of your email) a downloadable audio where I share heaps of insights about how talking to strangers can change your world, and the first few chapters of DO Talk TO Strangers.
Get the book! DO Talk To Strangers – How To Connect With Anyone, Anywhere
My life is greatly enriched because I do talk to strangers, and I’m committed to sharing my learning where it’s most needed. I’ve recently been speaking in various industries, including IT, Finance, Real Estate and Direct Sales and Network Marketing. For more information see About Kerrie and Connect Here
Thanks for reading and sharing! DO Talk To Strangers and make a bigger difference in the world!
Cheering you on
Kerrie Phipps