I’m delighted to share my G.O.L.D. process to help you unpack the best of 2019 – not just the immediately obvious highlights, but the resilience you developed, the people you met, who influenced you, or who you influenced, the lessons you learned and reminders of things to be grateful for… there are plenty of Quality Questions to help you do your best thinking, and a few extra favourites below.

Taking time out to reflect…
I shared this on a webinar with a few clients and friends recently, and we’ve shared the recording here.
One of the questions I asked was ‘What themes did you see emerging?”
What did you find yourself sharing with people – professionally or personally?
Do you see interests, passions, frustrations emerging more than other things?
Exploring this can lead us to making new decisions. To pursue more learning, create new products or ways of serving the world.
I’ve noticed themes emerging such as “you make a bigger difference than you know” – which often comes up in conversation about Talking To Strangers and the impact a smile or little act of kindness can have. Since I’m known for my book DO Talk To Strangers these days, many people share their Talking To Strangers moments with me, and the comment that often follows a story of a small moment of connection or kindness of a stranger, that made someone’s day is – “it restored my faith in humanity!”
It’s been a big, exciting and meaningful year for Talking To Strangers. We’ve talked to many in our travels, and “Do Talk To Strangers” – books 1 and 2 – have broadened their reach globally in many ways – the topics of human connection, kindness, empathy and all the “soft skills” are more relevant and important than ever.
What themes do you notice as you look back over your year? And who was part of your 2019, guiding, supporting, entertaining, influencing? Here’s some more questions to help you review… but the simple GOLD process might be all you need to get started and find yourself inspired and encouraged as you complete this year and step into your BEST YET!
- What was uncomfortable, yet worthwhile?
- What was surprising?
- Who did you connect with?
- What were the heart-warming, precious moments?
- What were your BRAVE moments?
- What goals did you achieve? And which ones did you not?
- What challenged your assumptions and beliefs?
Gratitude – what/who/where am I grateful for?
Others – who made a difference this year? Who did I support/encourage/guide/learn from?
Learning – what have I learned in 2019? What valuable learning can I take from this year? (you might not “get the lesson” until you review)
Develop – how have I grown/developed/matured this year? What have I developed? (Resilience, courage, new products/services/outlook/ways of serving the world?)
Also, if you’ve followed my Christmas reflections over the years, you’ll notice a theme of celebrating – and one of my favourite questions “what else?”.
So – what else have you, or can you take a moment to celebrate? While a review brings up lots of things, and I won’t list mine here – I did notice a few significant things in November… 10 years since sending my 2nd book to the printer – 5 years since publishing my third book – and 15 years since I began a life changing journey as a student and practitioner of personal and leadership coaching. Amazing.
It’s actually this 15 years of coaching that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, remembering clients’ insights and successes, and the power of pure coaching. I realise that the meaning of ‘coaching’ changes over the years and across industries… I’ll share more about that soon. In a nutshell – coaching serves your thinking – not adding more advice and wisdom from outside of you – but helping you hear yourself think – helping you have a better converstion with yourself by changing your thinking from within. With greater self-awareness you can truly do the most amazing things. And I’d love to help you. So I invite you to book a time with me for your own clarity of thinking – celebrating, reviewing and planning.
Much love and cheering you on,
PS. And if you’re traveling – you might find this useful! Talking to strangers while traveling.