Transitioning Well

What does a Leader In Transition need to be mindful of? This was inspired by a recent coaching session covering a topic that relates to many of my readers, so I hope you discover some insights to support you in times of transition. Many thanks to David Rock for teaching me and developing the Neuroleadership…

A different perspective on Celebrating…

…when you’re dealing with disappointment when everyone else is celebrating. Sometimes the year finishes all too soon, with goals incomplete, and disappointments scattered around you like the gift-wrapping after Christmas lunch. If you’re familiar with my writing or speaking, you know I’m passionate about celebrating.  Reflecting on accomplishments and celebrating learning is incredibly valuable. It’s…

Are You Ready?

I was woken early this morning from a deep sleep, following my late night return from the farm. “Oh my goodness! Who is pounding on the door so early?!” It was the third shipment of my Journals, so I opened the garage for the oh-so-chipper Courier and welcomed them in. Life’s a little like that…

Focus on Flourishing

When I hear people talking about how businesses are struggling at the moment, especially when it’s an “all-too-hard” tone of conversation, I just want to say, “STOP!  It’s not all doom and gloom.   I know of businesses that are really flourishing” – so I want to highlight one of them here. I’ve recently connected…