A confessional blog…

I’ve realised (a while ago) that making my blog about customer service isn’t working for me. My heart wasn’t in it as much as 100 Days of Gratitude. I love great customer service, but gratitude is a much easier, uncluttered subject. I’ve realised (oh, again and again) how I complicate things. Great customer service is…

A different perspective on Celebrating…

…when you’re dealing with disappointment when everyone else is celebrating. Sometimes the year finishes all too soon, with goals incomplete, and disappointments scattered around you like the gift-wrapping after Christmas lunch. If you’re familiar with my writing or speaking, you know I’m passionate about celebrating.  Reflecting on accomplishments and celebrating learning is incredibly valuable. It’s…

Focus on Flourishing

When I hear people talking about how businesses are struggling at the moment, especially when it’s an “all-too-hard” tone of conversation, I just want to say, “STOP!  It’s not all doom and gloom.   I know of businesses that are really flourishing” – so I want to highlight one of them here. I’ve recently connected…

iphone launch

iphone mania captured me too, I must confess.  I was down at the Network Communications store before 9am to pick up the first of only three allocated to the store… it amazes me that there was such a shortage – maybe someone didn’t realise that there were people like me who suddenly appreciate the best…

International Happiness Day

International Happiness Day is today, World Gratitude Day is coming soon… we celebrate Mothers Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, the list goes on… it’s great that we have these reminders to focus on various themes and appreciate certain people, but we can choose our focus everyday.   What does International Happiness Day mean for you?…