An executive client says…

“My coaching experience was about moving forward with clarity – Kerrie coached, I moved forward.  I found working with Kerrie extremely valuable due to her strong, unique ability to be personal – to shape incisive questions only by being a strong listener. I also now have seen the benefit of these attributes “at work” and can…

Celebrating and learning

Last night I celebrated with a few local clients and friends – our accomplishments, learning and life in general.  Very exciting stuff… Along with some drinks and snacks and “speed networking” with the focus on fun and the lovely things in life, we discussed the value of celebrating – from a scientific perspective!  We are generally quite…

Here it is world…

My first blog! I’ve been writing an article each month for the Regional Business Magazine for over a year now (will soon post articles here) and it’s time to introduce myself to the net-savvy world. I’m passionate about empowering people to flourish in every area of life and make a difference in their world. See my…