Well Done Champion!

Dear Friend, You made it! You’re here at the end of another year, triumphant in someways, possibly a little battered and bruised by some recent events. You’ve done some big things this year, hard things and brave things. You’ve made some good decisions that you didn’t have time to reflect on at the time, or…

Transitioning Well

What does a Leader In Transition need to be mindful of? This was inspired by a recent coaching session covering a topic that relates to many of my readers, so I hope you discover some insights to support you in times of transition. Many thanks to David Rock for teaching me and developing the Neuroleadership…

Confidence Coaching Program

Just in case you’d like a little boost in your clarity and confidence Following the great outcomes and feedback from the pilot program of Success With Confidence coaching program, I’m hosting it again, starting with an exciting free introductory call on Monday – it’s growing by word of mouth, but I wanted to be sure…

Self Honesty and Progress

I’m in awe this week, as I consider the four new clients I’ve just started coaching. I’ve never encountered such incredible self honesty and self awareness at the very start of a personal/leadership coaching program. It often takes a while to grow… These people, from various walks of life, all over regional Australia, two men…

It's time to celebrate!

You might think that I’m getting in early for Christmas, or my birthday – which is now less than two weeks away, but no!  Anytime is actually great for celebrating, and it’s something I do with coaching clients on a regular basis. The kind of celebrating is one you can do alone or with friends,…