100 Days of Gratitude – Day 57

My younger brother Greg is someone I’ve been grateful for most of my life! (I was nearly 6 when he arrived)  I love that we live only 3 minutes drive from Greg & Nicole’s home, and enjoyed a visit today, where we enjoyed the sunshine and large trampoline in their backyard.  I’m grateful for a…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 56

I’m so grateful for this amazing woman, Mary Brell, pictured here with Gold Medalist Kerri Pottharst (a few months ago). We spent today together at Stephens Patisserie editing our book, Lifting the Lid on Quiet Achievers – Success Stories of Regional Entrepreneurs, and I really appreciate her support and friendship – which actually began in…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 55

There’s nothing like a lovely fruit tea and quiet time to sit and read… I’m grateful for a pot of “wild fruit tea” and a great chat with Peter at Newtown Providores, before getting lost in a very inspiring chapter of my new book!  I made a few edits, but mostly enjoyed the read.  I…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 54

I’m grateful for my gorgeous son, and grateful that he loves learning!  It’s a celebration here today, as we went to Ethan’s school assembly to see him get an award.  He was so excited to be awarded a Distinction in his age group, in the Science Competition, which is an international competition.  A Distinction is…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 53

I’m grateful for a very special person who I spent time with tonight at a Women in Business Function.  Georgia Lush was my first Personal Coach and my first Coach Trainer.  As you can imagine, she’s had a significant impact in my life.  This photo was taken last time we were in the same room…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 51

I’m so grateful for the time spent today looking at the back of my eyelids.  It took no thought at all – I slept through the whole experience!  I’ve had so many late nights writing (why is it, that the middle of the night brings clarity?) so I had a little catch up today… Obviously…