The book, Lifting the Lid on Quiet Achievers – Success Stories of Regional Entrepreneurs, features individuals of all ages who will inspire you with their ideas and attitudes that helped them build successful businesses in regional Australia.
This engaging read by Kerrie Phipps includes up close and personal interviews with Roger Fletcher (Fletcher International Exports), Nathan Shooter (Thrive Media), Mary Brell (Keys to Success), Robin Strang (The Two Madhatters), Pam Hardgrave (Lillydale Farmstay), Jacqui Greig, (style magazine) plus 5 other equally inspiring success stories.
Lifting the Lid on Quiet Achievers is a practical, down-to-earth book that highlights entrepreneurialism and innovation in regional Australia, and shares specific tools and ideas that will immediately empower you personally and professionally.
ALSO for each copy sold we plant a fruit tree on your behalf to to provide nutrition and income for a family in rural India.
So order your copy now and we’ll post it to you for FREE!
See what the WebCeleb, Kylie Bartlett, has to say about Lifting the Lid…