100 Days of Gratitude – Day 93

I’m grateful for my facebook world, as I see the impact it has in the real world. For example, my friend Teonie, is a facebook friend, who I connected with by a reconnection with a school friend.  We’ve discovered a lot of things in common, and she’s introduced me to a company she’s passionate about.…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 92

I’m thankful for technical glitches.  I don’t enjoy them, especially when I don’t understand, however, due to formatting changing as Lyndon and I worked on completing the layout for the book (to go to the publishers layout team), we picked up a couple of errors that otherwise would have been missed!  A silver lining, a…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 91

Tonight I’m grateful for the energy to stay focused on the final edits and layout of my book, Lifting the Lid on Quiet Achievers, and grateful that Lyndon and Ethan decided that tonight would be a good night to go out for dinner and celebrate the completion of the book.  We’re so close we thought…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 90

I’m grateful for wonderful books.  I came across this one, Everyday Greatness, (Stephen R Covey, David K Hatch) at the library last week when Ethan was stocking up.  It has heaps of great quotes, and some short stories that are incredibly inspiring. I learned more about Abraham Lincoln’s early days, in the chapter titled Humility.…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 87

I’m grateful for two key people today – firstly my mum, who called early this morning as Dad was bringing sheep down to Dubbo.  She offered to help in any way, and wanted to read some of my book.  I was editing all day, technically just adding quotes, but we kept finding typo’s that have…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 86

Another celebration of the simple things in life – which aren’t so simple in many places around the world. I’m grateful for the wonderful food, and easy access we have to quality products here in Australia. I created this platter last night, and of course have plenty left in the fridge for the next week!…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 84

On Day 84 I’m celebrating my Grandad turning 94… I have had a most interesting day, and visited my grandparents tonight, who have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary earlier this week, and Grandad’s birthday yesterday. (They were featured in Day 3) The most fascinating part of the day was the whole day tour of Fletchers…