100 Days of Gratitude – Day 28

Great food is something we can take for granted in our culture, it comes easily to us.  I’m thankful today for an amazing lunch prepared by Lyndon, lamb cutlets with vegetables… (this is one of the reasons I’m told by friends that they want “a Lyndon too”).   Along the same theme… I’m grateful for a…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 27

Darren Stephens One of the highlights of today which I’m grateful for, was a brilliant brainstorming hour with my publisher, Darren Stephens of Global Publishing.  Darren’s so creative and generously shares his ideas.  Not only that – his achievements and experiences are a mile long! We first met in Melbourne earlier this year, where this…

100 Days Of Gratitude – Day 24

I’m grateful for this blog! It’s a really good exercise to consider what I’m grateful for each day, and not just as a passing thought!  This is one of the busiest months of my life (it seems) and to stop each day and contemplate, of all the wonderful moments in my day, what interesting or…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 23

I’m grateful for a walk along the river today!  As we were driving home, along a road I’ve travelled countless times, I asked Lyndon to pull over so we could go for a walk and see the river closer up.  The Castlereagh River in Gilgandra is one of the fastest flowing rivers in Australia, when…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 22

Vast Blue Skies and beautiful people at the farm I grew up on are the highlights of my Gratitude today! After lunch – which I thoroughly enjoyed, Mum and my brother David were moving cattle from one place to another so I walked with them and took a few snaps.  The sky was amazing –…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 21

I’m grateful that I found my wedding ring!  It went missing a few months before our 15th wedding anniversary.  I’d taken it off while at my Granparents home in Sydney as I had a heat rash under it – something that’s never happened before.  I shuffled it from finger to finger, trying to find a…

100 Days Of Gratitude – Day 20

I am so grateful for efficient customer service – It was not only me looked after in this case, but my beloved macbook.  You know I love people so much more than technology – but since my mac keeps me in touch with the world, and this week is helping me stay on track to…

100 Days of Gratitude – Day 19

Nathan Shooter is the focus of my gratitude today, as he has created a fabulous document for me to share with contributing Authors for my new book… and he always does great work!  He made the cover for my first book, fabulous business cards and other bits and pieces as I have a creative burst.…