As introduced recently, this series on Stunning Customer Service is an excerpt of Do Talk To Strangers: How To Connect With Anyone, Anywhere
To recap on the introduction – It’s all about focus. Focus outwardly, on how you can be of service, rather than inwardly. All of that mental chatter about how you look and what others think can really get in the way. Being aware of what you’re feeling and thinking, then being able to change that is powerful. Reappraising and reframing are ways that we can do that, by choosing to see things in a better light.
Step 1: Choose your focus
Come up with a way of thinking about it that is unique and relevant to you. Decide on a focus for the day, the week or the month (it’s good to change it every now and then to keep it fresh and fun). It could be something like:
- “I treat my clients with the kindness and respect I’d give my grandmother”.
- “I intend to put a smile on everyone’s face!”
- “I will give people a spring in their step”.
- “I create customer loyalty and raving fans!”
- “I solve people’s problems!”
Design the focus you want to take into your day, use your own words and consider what inspires YOU. When you find a way of energising yourself, you can easily energise others. Be bold and confident, which is easiest when you’re being YOU!
Cheering you on,