Christmas madness…

Christmas madness… or Christmas Fun? I took half a day off yesterday to meet my family who had come to town, and to do a little Christmas shopping with them. Before heading downtown, I considered what the crowds are like down there at the moment. Just finding a place to park the car can be…

Inspired Blogging

One of the things that I love about blogging is seeing the comments that land at the bottom of the page, especially from people like Miki from South Africa!  Another is that I get to share the excitement and learning and I feel like I’m not keeping all the good news to myself!  Good news,…

Focus on Flourishing

When I hear people talking about how businesses are struggling at the moment, especially when it’s an “all-too-hard” tone of conversation, I just want to say, “STOP!  It’s not all doom and gloom.   I know of businesses that are really flourishing” – so I want to highlight one of them here. I’ve recently connected…

Inspiring Quotes

I’m taking a big step this week – launching myself out of the comfort zone and becoming an author!  I am creating a journal, which includes a guide to effective writing and support for achieving goals and I’m including some of my favourite inspriring quotes, not only from the very famous, but also from people…

Some thoughts on Conversations..

What do your conversations sound like?  If someone was eavesdropping, would they walk away with a sense of brushing past heaven? How wonderful would that be?  I hope people could walk past me and get a touch of heaven. Picture yourself at a BBQ, what is the tone of the conversation?  It’s so easy to…

What Makes a Great Sales Person

What Makes a Great Salesperson? It’s someone who cares more about answering their clients concerns than making the sale. If you talk someone into something, someone else will talk them out of it. Serving customers is an expression that is used lightly… (“Fred! Get out front and serve!”) Serving is not a task, it’s an…

World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day is tomorrow, Sunday 21 September, another opportunity, as everyday is, to reflect on how much we have to be grateful for. I’m so excited to be able to introduce you to someone in my world I’m grateful for. Julie Woods, “That Blind Woman” from New Zealand, has been preparing to launch her…

I’m Ridiculously Rich!

Last Monday I arrived in Sydney and stayed with my Grandparents (mum’s parents). You may have seen the video Lyndon posted on You Tube, with my Dad’s parents being interviewed by Ethan… I shared this with my Sydney Grandparents who absolutely loved it and were overflowing with praise for Lyndon (movie-maker) and Ethan, who they’re…