Good Awkward with Henna Pryor

Be OK with Awkward I’m so delighted to share this conversation with Henna Pryor, author of GOOD AWKWARD – as you can imagine, her book title grabbed my attention! If you’ve been around a while, you may have heard me speaking about being #OkWithAwkward. Of course I wanted to know more from Henna. What a…

Connecting Confidently at Events

What inspires you to go to events? Do you go to as many as you’d like? Or too many? How can you make the most of these occasions?  It’s possible – and likely – that you’re meeting extraordinary people. I spent a few minutes in Singapore recently sharing a few tips for connecting. Enjoy! And…

Connecting Charitably

I recently shared these thoughts with Dubbo Weekender and thought you’d appreciate them here too: How Changing Ways To Give Charity Achieves Better Outcomes “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead A gorgeous sunny August day at…