There’s something about water that inspires me… I float in a pool in the warmth of Singapore – and memories of conversations with clients over the years – and even last week float across my mind. I see how random thoughts make connections and remind me of the value and power of quality questions and all the elements of coaching. Suspending judgement, valuing curiosity, deep listening, creating space for insight, supportive accountability.
I float myself into a freshly inspired space and want to share more widely as I do in conversations when people ask about who I coach… And what does coaching mean?
How does coaching work?
I ask you questions that no-one is asking, and give you space to bring your thoughts together.
It’s like I hold up a mirror to your thought-processes and you see things that were previously out of sight, out of reach.
You see solutions emerge – your solutions – your ideas come together in creative ways.
The energy from your insights create a flow of purposeful actions. You’re in the drivers seat. I simply sit next to you (often virtually and in a different country) and help you stay focused on the journey that you want to be on. We laugh, we pause, we deeply appreciate, we focus. Sometimes tears – of gratitude, regret or nostalgia – come to your eyes as an insight hits you. We pick up a pen and make note of the insights, actions and time frames that emerge as important.
When you hit bumpy patches I help you see beyond the obvious, finding the clearest way through, learning along the way – all kinds of things you didn’t know about yourself and your best ways of being in the world. Celebrating the little and big moments of insight, actions and results with you – and sending you on your way to your next phase of life.
Forever changed.
This is what’s so incredible. I’ve met clients unexpectedly in airports and received messages from the other side of the world, and they tell me how years later, they’re still using (and equipping others with) the “thinking tools” they learned as we worked together.
So who do I coach? They come from different industries, cultures and countries – and there are common threads in the passion they have for making a positive difference in the world, in their communities and nations. They’re intent on serving the world, and trying to remember to take the best care of themselves as they serve others. They are extremely honest with themselves, and on a journey to be more so. Self honesty is vital in personal and professional growth.
Due to travelling and speaking more these days, I coach a limited number of people each year, but remain a huge fan of the coaching process – for myself and my clients.
Have you ever hired a personal leadership coach?
If it’s something you’re interested in exploring, please connect with me and let’s see who might be a great coach for you, and/or if you’re keen to become a coach and serve in a unique and profound way, I’m happy to help you explore that also.
I step out of the pool inspired, with a sense of gratitude for every one of the incredible people – aged from 15 to 75 – who’ve taken me on as their coach during the past 15 years and changed their world in significantly beautiful ways. You know who you are. I celebrate and acknowledge you.
Cheering you on,